The Ever-Changing Google

Google, Google, Google…. It’s nearly impossible to keep updated with Google’s changes in search algorithms. They literally make changes hundreds of times each year. Most of these changes are minor and don’t affect our business, but every so often they smack us in the face with a huge game-changer. Although this is a pain for me, it is really a good thing for searchers! Google is constantly refining their search algorithms to close loopholes that allow crummy search results to pop up on the first page. They want to keep relevant information at the top of the list so you can search for anything under the sun and get an answer in the first result.


The most important changes to the algorithm focus on content quality and links. To grow your content, start writing articles! Many people underestimate the importance of blogging. There’s more to blogging than talking about recipes and makeup! Create a blog and link it to your webpage. No matter what industry you are in, write about something that you know and others don’t. Someone will search for that and find your page. Thus, resulting in a higher ranking for your website.



To create high-quality content, start by making a keyword list. Begin with your theme and think of a handful of related words. Then think of related words to those words. When you begin writing, try and incorporate as many of those keywords into your article. When people are searching for information related to any of your keywords, they have a better chance of having their question answered with your article, rather than a competitor’s.


Once you have great content, you need to work on gaining backlinks (links to your page from someone else’s page). This can be achieved by sharing your links with others. Find popular blog sites in your industry and reach out to them. They might be interested in featuring you as a guest blogger. Guest blogging is a great way to multiply page views.


Key point: Google is always keeping us on our toes. At the end of the day, I would rather search using Google today than 10 years ago when the search results would be spammy and irrelevant.  If you are struggling to obtain a spot on Google’s first page of search results, reach out to us at Midwest Marketing. We would love to help!