Reflecting on Memorial Day

It’s Friday in the Midwest Marketing office, and we’re all buzzing with long-weekend plans that feel like the official start of summer. Camping, traveling, yard work – everyone is looking forward to enjoying some extended activities of their own.

Which means it’s easy to overlook the true meaning of our extra day off. Memorial Day comes to all of us at a steep price – a price paid by the service men and women who have given their lives, and who dedicate themselves to protecting our freedom each and every day. To everyone who serves our country, we would like to say an enormous THANK YOU. We know that you have sacrificed many Memorial Days of your own, and for that we are forever grateful.

When do you feel most proud or thankful to live in our country? Everyone in our office took some time to answer in their own way, in reflection of Memorial Day.

For many of us, we feel a sense of pride swell when we hear the moving lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner. Bree says “my favorite is attending an event and hearing the crowd sing along or watching the B1’s flyover. Every time I get goosebumps and am overwhelmed with gratitude to live in the land of the free.” The melody moves some of us to tears, and others remember all of the service people dedicating themselves to our country.

And for some, they feel a sense of pride when they can exercise the rights that so many others have fought for. Megan says that “I always feel thankful and proud to live in our country, but especially on Election Days, when I have the right to vote. People die for that.” Dawn says that she feels proud “When people or communities come together to make a difference in the lives of people less fortunate.”

I think we would all agree that we’re proud to live in our country each and every day. Jon says “I am most thankful when I look at other countries and see how much oppression their population must endure. We live in a country that has so many freedoms that much of the world could only dream of, and for that we should feel privileged.” For Todd, Memorial Day is special because several of the men in his family have spent time serving our country, including his father who dedicated 22 years to the Air Force. He says “These are the kind of people serving and protecting our country every day. This is why it is great to be living in this country.” And Christi is out enjoying her freedom on vacation at the beach, toes in the water and you know the rest ;). But, most importantly she is thankful to be spending time with family.

So this Monday, as we are enjoying the day off, we will also take time to reflect on all that it means to live in America. Thank you to everyone who has or is currently serving our country. We are forever grateful for your service.