Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Holiday Marketing

Graphic of people shopping in a outdoor snowy setting

If you’re like us, you roll your eyes and make a snide comment when you start to see holiday decorations creeping onto store shelves unseasonably early. Summer’s not even over yet, can’t we enjoy the last weeks of warmth before thinking of the cold, snowy holiday season?!

However, if you run a business, getting a head start on the holiday season is crucial, especially if your holiday sales comprise the bulk of your overall yearly revenue. Keep reading for tips on creating a solid holiday marketing strategy that will help you reach your business goals.

1. Start early

We can’t stress the importance of getting your holiday marketing planned out by October at the latest. Even if don’t plan to release any holiday assets before November, you’ll need the extra time to fine-tune your strategy, create your assets, and set up your campaigns.

2. Create a fun holiday promo

People love sales. Use this fact to your advantage by coming up with a fun, relevant sale or promotion that highlights your services or products in a way that ties in with the holidays. We had fun teaming up with Colonial House Restaurant & Bar here in Rapid City on their Big Fat Holiday Gift Package last year. BONUS TIP: Try to find a way to offer the purchaser an immediate treat while giving them something to come back in and use or redeem later.

3. Get Nostalgic

Nothing says the holidays like tapping into happy memories from childhood. And, according to, evoking nostalgia can deepen your customers’ emotional connection to your brand. Use things like old-style fonts, old timey photos, and holiday scenes, such as the family sitting around the table for a festive meal, to bring back memories of times gone by.

4. Connect with Loyal Customers

Although you may be thinking of how to get new customers, don’t forget about your current loyal followers come holiday time. Create a special offer to send them early in the holiday season, and send by email or mail. If you have a client list, take a little time to send a holiday card out as well. These simple things can go far in showing that you appreciate their loyalty.

5. Provide gift suggestions

Holiday gift shopping can get hectic, so many people appreciate recommendations that will allow them to get the perfect present for their recipient with the least amount of work possible. Help out your customers by providing a handy gift guide that helps them find the ideal gift for the special someone in their lives. Check out how Dakota RV did just that:

6. Go Mobile

Adobe found that more than $88 billion in sales were made through mobile devices during the 2021 holiday season, making SMS marketing campaigns a no-brainer. SMS messaging can be used to send links to your customers that allow them to easily purchase from your website when they’re on-the-go. Just make sure your website is mobile friendly as well!

7. Head to Social

Ramp up your holiday spirit on social by incorporating festive posts. Or, better yet, do like Colonial House and make a whole holiday-themed set of posts to count down to the big day!


Need help gearing up for the holidays? Our team of digital marketers, designers, and strategists are on-hand to create a winning marketing strategy! Call us today at (605) 716-5666.