
Changing Leaves and Business
06 Oct

Changing Leaves and Business

You don’t need to wait until spring to clean up your marketing plan. Fall is

6 Tips to Keep Yourself Organized
15 Sep

6 Tips to Keep Yourself Organized

I am that personality type that far too often, “flies by the seat of her

Google’s new Click-to-Text
25 Aug

Google’s new Click-to-Text

It’s no surprise Google is constantly keeping us on our toes with the latest technology

Why do Creatives and Coffee go together?
18 Aug

Why do Creatives and Coffee go together?

Coffee has incredible powers. It has the ability to jumpstart our day and spark amazing

Top 3 Ways to Improve Client Marketing Agency Relationships
11 Aug

Top 3 Ways to Improve Client Marketing Agency Relationships

When I was preparing to write this blog I was interested to find out that

How Your Environment Helps Your Creativity
04 Aug

How Your Environment Helps Your Creativity

There is a great scene that I love, at the beginning of the movie, Joe

There’s the 4Ps of marketing, but are you missing the C?
28 Jul

There’s the 4Ps of marketing, but are you missing the C?

You can have the perfect mix of the 4 P’s, Product, Price, Promotion, and Place,

Working Proud at Midwest Marketing
21 Jul

Working Proud at Midwest Marketing

I am often asked “What is so different about Midwest Marketing?” or “Why are your

The Importance of Audio in Video Production
14 Jul

The Importance of Audio in Video Production

Audio… the often forgotten and overlooked little brother to the much flashier visuals. But for

Restaurant Marketing
09 Jun

Restaurant Marketing

Restaurants are great businesses, and even greater is the ability to show off your creative

How Todd Became a Graphic Designer
19 May

How Todd Became a Graphic Designer

I’ve always been pretty creative. I enjoyed drawing and had done a little painting when

Ins and Outs of Content Marketing
21 Apr

Ins and Outs of Content Marketing

Quality content is the most important part of creating a successful inbound marketing campaign. Content