Outsourced – How Using a Marketing Agency Saves You Money

Most people that I’ve met are not big fans of wasting money. Although, everybody has made more than one purchase that they would consider not finically responsible. Anything from the .99 cent app on your phone that never gets played, to the NordicTrack treadmill that is now used as a make shift clothes drying rack.… Continue reading Outsourced – How Using a Marketing Agency Saves You Money

My Life as a Graphic Artist

by: Todd Goetz It all started while I was in college. I was taking commercial art classes and decided to get involved with the college newspaper selling and designing ads. I enjoyed designing more than selling. I later got involved in the design of the college yearbook. I was hooked. This would be my career.… Continue reading My Life as a Graphic Artist

3 Considerations of Marketing During COVID-19

A COVID-19 marketing follow-up to 8 Marketing Initiatives During COVID-19 that we previously released. If you are like most, you are probably asking yourself these and many other questions. Will advertising right now even serve a purpose? Are my customers even looking for my product right now? Is it too early to be thinking about… Continue reading 3 Considerations of Marketing During COVID-19

Marketing Through & Around a Downturn

We’re in the middle of an economic downturn due to factors that are far outside our control. While this has hampered nearly every imaginable industry, it’s not the first time businesses have had to power through a downturn. This downturn may look a little different than the last but it is a downturn nonetheless. Let’s… Continue reading Marketing Through & Around a Downturn

The Back to Normal Plan

As we start to implement South Dakota’s Back To Normal Plan, Midwest Marketing encourages you to continue to use our resources and advice for marketing during a pandemic.  A Note From Midwest Marketing on Retailing Through This Uncertain Time encourages us to follow the three phases of COVID-19 branding from Immediate Response…to Adapt and Pivot… Continue reading The Back to Normal Plan

8 Marketing Initiatives to Consider During COVID-19

1) Right now, the digital landscape is stronger than ever. Although people may not be coming in the doors to your business as frequently as they have been, people are still shopping. Social media, especially live and video content is getting plenty of engagement. You can also use your social channels for live chats or… Continue reading 8 Marketing Initiatives to Consider During COVID-19

Making the Most of Your Marketing Through a Co-Op This Year

Have a limited marketing budget, want to try something new with you marketing this year, or your business is part of an office complex, business group, located on a certain street, small town and so on, that share similar business ideals? Creating a shared partnership, known as a marketing cooperative, might be a fit for… Continue reading Making the Most of Your Marketing Through a Co-Op This Year

Time to Design – How putting a time crunch hurts and helps a designer

It pays to spend extra time explaining what you’re looking for in graphic design during the earliest parts of the process. This investment of time and effort can pay off tremendously down the road. The more complicated the project the longer it will typically take. If the client is able to clearly communicate their vision… Continue reading Time to Design – How putting a time crunch hurts and helps a designer

This Decade in Marketing – What designers can look forward to in the 2020s

The past decade has seen a paradigm shift across sectors due to the exponential rate of digital-led growth. The world today has embraced technology as an essential part of everyday activities. Data and social media will dictate marketing content. Shortened attention spans will pave the way for snippety visuals as the most successful means of… Continue reading This Decade in Marketing – What designers can look forward to in the 2020s

AI Takeover

When we talk of artificial intelligence (AI), often the first images that play in people’s minds are those of the technology that has run amok and gains sentience. Thereafter determining that humanity is obsolete and proceeds to eliminate our species off the face of the earth. Quite compelling stuff, and according to some top AI… Continue reading AI Takeover