Zero to Hero

First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest! This little rhyme has been said on playgrounds across the country for generations and I’m sure will be said for many more to come. However, in the world of SEO, Google says that you don’t want first, second or… Continue reading Zero to Hero

Death, Taxes & Advertising

Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter in 1789 that stated, “in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The quote has become a staple in everyday life and something that most people have said themselves or heard someone else say at some point in time. However, I believe that if… Continue reading Death, Taxes & Advertising

AI: Robots Inside Your Phone

Merriam Webster dictionary defines a robot as a machine that resembles a living creature in being capable to perform complex actions. Now that I have started my subpar best man speech, let’s get into what my grandma refers to as the nitty-gritty. Around this time last year, Google published a blog, much like the one… Continue reading AI: Robots Inside Your Phone

Vilhjalmur and the Ethics of Advertising

In the early 1900s, an Icelandic explorer named Vilhjalmur Stefansson traveled to the Arctic lands of northern Canada and Alaska to live with, learn from, and study the Inuit people that called these unforgiving lands home. His time spent in these far-away places is documented meticulously in his many works of literature, including his masterpiece,… Continue reading Vilhjalmur and the Ethics of Advertising

Why Use Email Marketing

Back when Lynyrd Skynyrd was the king of rock and roll, John Travolta was greased with lightin’, and Space Invaders were taking over arcades nationwide, something else was brewing in the world of marketing. 1978 feels like it was both forever ago and just yesterday, but way back in 1978 the very first marketing email… Continue reading Why Use Email Marketing

Direct Mail Comeback

Back when I was a boy, I attended college at Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, SD. When I was at DWU I would always look forward to going down to the mailroom, opening up my mailbox and seeing if there were any surprises inside. Often times I was disappointed, as the only thing waiting for… Continue reading Direct Mail Comeback

Drinkin’ Bone: Developing Great Ideas

Three years after Y2K, a country music artist by the name of Tracy Byrd explained to the masses that, “two plus two is always four, down is south and up is north, and thirty-two degrees is freezing cold.” While most folks wouldn’t consider this a revolutionary breakthrough in critical thinking, Tracy’s song about his ‘Drinkin’… Continue reading Drinkin’ Bone: Developing Great Ideas

How to Improve Your Facebook Live

Not so long ago live video broadcasting used to only be available to the big wigs. That is no longer the case, nowadays your smartphone or computer can broadcast live and reach anyone who is willing to listen. A great way to reach your existing audience and see growth in your following is through Facebook… Continue reading How to Improve Your Facebook Live

Tips for Marketing to Teenagers

Teenagers are a pain in the a**. I apologize to the teenagers that regularly read our blog but somebody had to break it to you. With your “my way or the highway” attitude and the blind assumptions that your parents are the “stupidest” people in the entire universe (like seriously how could they be so… Continue reading Tips for Marketing to Teenagers

Coloring Outside the Lines

How to Unlock Your Creative Side Remember back to the days when you would get home from elementary school and show your parents your drawing of an orange and green cow? Of course, as we all know there is no such thing as an orange and green cow, but they were proud of you for… Continue reading Coloring Outside the Lines