Drinkin’ Bone: Developing Great Ideas

Three years after Y2K, a country music artist by the name of Tracy Byrd explained to the masses that, “two plus two is always four, down is south and up is north, and thirty-two degrees is freezing cold.” While most folks wouldn’t consider this a revolutionary breakthrough in critical thinking, Tracy’s song about his ‘Drinkin’… Continue reading Drinkin’ Bone: Developing Great Ideas

How to Improve Your Facebook Live

Not so long ago live video broadcasting used to only be available to the big wigs. That is no longer the case, nowadays your smartphone or computer can broadcast live and reach anyone who is willing to listen. A great way to reach your existing audience and see growth in your following is through Facebook… Continue reading How to Improve Your Facebook Live

Tips for Marketing to Teenagers

Teenagers are a pain in the a**. I apologize to the teenagers that regularly read our blog but somebody had to break it to you. With your “my way or the highway” attitude and the blind assumptions that your parents are the “stupidest” people in the entire universe (like seriously how could they be so… Continue reading Tips for Marketing to Teenagers

Coloring Outside the Lines

How to Unlock Your Creative Side Remember back to the days when you would get home from elementary school and show your parents your drawing of an orange and green cow? Of course, as we all know there is no such thing as an orange and green cow, but they were proud of you for… Continue reading Coloring Outside the Lines

Social Media Marketing: Facebook Financials

We love Facebook. Facebook allows us to connect with everyone from our eight-year-old cousins to our grandparents. While Facebook is top notch for staying in touch with all of our long lost friends, it can also be a useful tool for businesses when it comes to social media marketing. Advertising via Facebook can seem like… Continue reading Social Media Marketing: Facebook Financials

‘Hey Siri’

Let’s start with a story… Way back in my memory, I can recall the days where words such as dorm room, cafeteria, and homework were common in my day to day vocabulary. I would sit in classes for what seemed like hours on end and do my best to retain some knowledge about whatever subject… Continue reading ‘Hey Siri’

6 Ways to Improve Your Website Design

I’m a big fan of the internet. If I had to venture a guess I would say that you are pretty fond of it as well! The internet is cool, you can communicate with people from around the globe, research interesting historical facts, or read really awesome blog posts from excellent writers, like us .… Continue reading 6 Ways to Improve Your Website Design

Small Business Strategies

If you’re a small business owner with a less than modest budget, it can be difficult to know where and how to get started. The world of advertising can be an intimidating place with many options to choose from. It’s hard to tell which direction is left and which is right, luckily we have some… Continue reading Small Business Strategies

What is Influencer Marketing?

It is the act of influencing by inspiring change in thinking or behavior. An influencer is someone who has the power to influence the perception of others or gets them to do something differently. The use of an influencer has become one of the top trends in social media marketing. Influencer marketing is something I… Continue reading What is Influencer Marketing?

Trending – Live Video

The tech world moves at a blistering pace, one only has to look at the frenetic pace at which videos are uploaded to Youtube daily to attest to this fact. Trying to stand out among the thousands of hours uploaded every day can be a daunting task. Trying to find that magical combination of entertainment,… Continue reading Trending – Live Video