We’re in The People Business

I’ve been fascinated with music for as long as my mind can remember. There has always been something about the sound waves coming out of grandpa’s rusty old farm truck radio that connected with me on a deeper level than I ever knew was possible. As grandpa would teach me how to drive we would… Continue reading We’re in The People Business

Find Your Herd

Around the time I was nine years old my family and I packed up our vehicle and drove until we hit this little place known as Custer State Park. Being originally from Minnesota, Custer State Park was somewhat of a mind-blowing experience for me. From the twisting and turning of Needles Highway to the deer,… Continue reading Find Your Herd

Why Facebook Analytics Are Important for Successful Social Media Management

The most common question we as marketers get asked is, “How can I tell if my social media management strategy is working?” Marketing has been notoriously difficult to track progress and overall effectiveness but in recent years the use of analytics has made life much simpler. Analytics for those who may not know, is the… Continue reading Why Facebook Analytics Are Important for Successful Social Media Management

Walking Before You Run

How to Start the Marketing Process Marketing can be a tricky world littered with buzz words, elevator pitches, and different strategies. While some people have this world mastered, others are just starting out. Trying to figure out how to market your specific business can be a daunting task when you are new to the game.… Continue reading Walking Before You Run

Hiring a Marketing Agency is Like Hiring a Contractor

Interested in hiring a marketing agency? The way it works at Midwest Marketing is we first start by having you answer our new client discovery questions. Once we’ve received your questions back and reviewed them, we will meet with you in person to gather more details on what you are looking for in a marketing… Continue reading Hiring a Marketing Agency is Like Hiring a Contractor

GDPR – How does it affect you?

GDPR – the recent buzz topic in the business world. How does it affect you? It depends on the business industry you are in, but it most likely does not affect you. It still doesn’t hurt to take the proper simple precautions to comply. First, what is GDPR? GDPR is the European Union General Data… Continue reading GDPR – How does it affect you?

Reflecting on Memorial Day

It’s Friday in the Midwest Marketing office, and we’re all buzzing with long-weekend plans that feel like the official start of summer. Camping, traveling, yard work – everyone is looking forward to enjoying some extended activities of their own. Which means it’s easy to overlook the true meaning of our extra day off. Memorial Day… Continue reading Reflecting on Memorial Day

Social Media Don’ts

With social media marketing being one of the most effective ways to reach customers in present day, we are often told by others how we should manage our social media accounts. While there is so much focus on what you should be doing on social media there are also some things that you should stay… Continue reading Social Media Don’ts

National Tell a Story Day – “The Hunt”

His large well-worn leather boots made only the slightest of sound as the tall, stout man weaned his way through the dark forest. Branches of pine scraped his heavily muscled forearms, but Thorbin, son of Thorfyr gave no notice. His focus was on his prey; or the tracks of his prey to be precise. Eyes… Continue reading National Tell a Story Day – “The Hunt”

Influencer Marketing

Marketing is a world of snappy catch phrases and buzzwords used to catch people’s attention, and lately one of the terms that keeps popping up is, “influencer marketing.” While influencer marketing is trendy right now the concept behind it, is nothing new. It is a spin on an old-school tactic that can be very effective.… Continue reading Influencer Marketing