Top 4 Website Design Myths

What goes into great website design? While there are many facets to that answer, we’re here to let you in on some equally important information – design myths that, if followed, will make your website not so great. If you’re looking to build a company website that will help you reach your goals, whatever they… Continue reading Top 4 Website Design Myths

Cheat Sheet for Social Media Marketing in 2022

According to a study from October 2021, 57.6% of the world’s population uses social media for an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes per day, making social media marketing a no-brainer to reach the masses. However, with new social media platforms being released all the time, and people’s social media usage habits constantly changing,… Continue reading Cheat Sheet for Social Media Marketing in 2022

5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Pay Per Click Campaign

Pay per click (PPC) campaigns are arguably the most important form of paid digital ads in recent years. Used across the web, including most websites, search engines and social platforms, PPC ads can drive more traffic and conversions than almost any other form of digital marketing. But what do you really need to know before… Continue reading 5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Pay Per Click Campaign

Tips on Designing Effective Website Banner Ads

With the average person encountering up to 10,000 ads each day, it’s critical to make sure you have a well-thought out banner ad design that stands out so you don’t waste your marketing dollars. But what goes into effective website banners? The graphic design and digital marketing pros at Midwest Marketing are here to let… Continue reading Tips on Designing Effective Website Banner Ads

5 SEO Tips For Online Success

So, you’ve followed our first five search engine optimization (SEO) tips to get your website seen more often in search results, but now you really want to ramp up your online success. Don’t worry – we’ve got you. Our digital strategists have compiled some more pointers that you can use to further optimize your site… Continue reading 5 SEO Tips For Online Success

How To Take Quality Video Using a Smartphone or Tablet

Ah, video. Something that was once produced with giant camcorders with blank VHS tapes now can easily be created with that tiny thing in your pocket you make phone calls with. Although it may seem simple, there are some tips you can use to make your videos the best they can be. Forget about hiring… Continue reading How To Take Quality Video Using a Smartphone or Tablet

5 Tips for Creating an Effective Direct Mail Campaign

Nowadays, digital and social media marketing are at the forefront of everyone’s minds when they think about marketing their business, but direct mail campaigns are still a surprisingly crucial part of a well-rounded strategy. With around 52% of Americans reporting that they read every piece of mail they receive, direct mail done right can be… Continue reading 5 Tips for Creating an Effective Direct Mail Campaign

4 Website Design Tips for Success

Whether you’re looking to build a new company website or would like to enhance your current website’s conversions and profitability, we have some website design tips that will help you reach your  business goals! Check out the following recommendations for taking your website to the next level: 1. Use Dynamic Content We have mentioned the… Continue reading 4 Website Design Tips for Success

Marketing Tips for Connecting With New Consumer Groups

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everyone’s lives in 2020, so it should come as no surprise that the impact will be felt for years to come. However, recent studies have shown just how consumer behavior may be affected in the coming years, with new customer segments predicted to dominate by 2023.  It is important to recognize… Continue reading Marketing Tips for Connecting With New Consumer Groups

Restaurant Marketing Trends

Want to get on top of your restaurant marketing game going into 2022? As always, Midwest Marketing is here to help! Our team stays current on the latest marketing trends so that we can offer our clients cutting edge solutions to stay ahead of the competition and keep customers coming back for more. Continue reading… Continue reading Restaurant Marketing Trends