Online Video: What Are YOU Watching?

Do you ever wonder how many people have the same interests as you when it comes to online video? Google was wondering the same thing, so they did an extremely interesting study analyzing 12,000 people ranging from ages 13 to 64 worldwide around why they watched what they watched in the last 24 hours. This… Continue reading Online Video: What Are YOU Watching?

Excitement & Execution

Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night with one, sometimes it happens while you’re doing your favorite activity, every once in a while you’ll get one watching TV, or just lounging around the house… I’m talking about an idea of course! When the lightbulb goes off and you have the most amazing… Continue reading Excitement & Execution

Top 10 Marketing Quotes to Live By

“Quotes help us understand, inspire, motivate, clarify and show our approach to things around, this is why people and I love quotes.” – Takyou Allah Cheikh Malaynine A quote about quotes is a fitting way to start the latest installment of the Midwest Marketing blog. There are quotes about life, love, the lack thereof and… Continue reading Top 10 Marketing Quotes to Live By

Marketing’s for the Dogs

August 26th has been dubbed as National Dog Day by the magical fairy who makes up random holidays. However, we give this one a pass as we enjoy seeing everybody’s canine companions flood our social media feeds. So, in honor of the somewhat real holiday, let’s take a look at the importance of dogs in… Continue reading Marketing’s for the Dogs

2 Things You Should Know This Week

Stay current on the latest marketing news by reading up on a couple recent stories! TikTok & National Park Reviews It’s good to stay in the loop. Even though trying to stay in the loop nowadays can be exhausting with everything going on in the world. So for this week’s blog, we decided we’d compile… Continue reading 2 Things You Should Know This Week

The Three Best Ad Campaigns of All Time

I was watching TV with my dad recently and a Progressive Insurance commercial came on where the always lovely Flo, speaks to a bigfoot named Daryll about his problems. As the commercial was starting my dad exclaimed, “oh, I love these ones!” How an ad is done changes the whole perception of what it truly… Continue reading The Three Best Ad Campaigns of All Time

10 Marketing FAQ’s & Answers to Them

Frequently asked questions are either immensely helpful or extremely annoying depending on what side of the question you find yourself on. If you’re the one looking for the information about a business, FAQ’s provide the clear and concise answer you’re looking for. If you’re on the receiving end of a question you’ve answered a million… Continue reading 10 Marketing FAQ’s & Answers to Them

The Wonderful Marketing World of Snapchat

In an attempt to answer the age-old question, “why are those kids always on those darn phones?”, let us talk about the wonderful world of Snapchat. Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app that allows its users to communicate with each other through pictures, videos, and texts. It also has stories, influencers, and news outlets similarly… Continue reading The Wonderful Marketing World of Snapchat

How to Write a Good Blog

As we’ve said on this site before, a blog is much more than a childish thing that your teenage niece does to pass the time. A blog is one of the most useful content marketing tools at your disposal to drive traffic to your website and boost your SEO performance. However, for a blog to… Continue reading How to Write a Good Blog

American Inventions & Marketing

Midwest Marketing’s office is located just a baseball toss away from Mount Rushmore National Memorial (not actually but it is close by). As a matter of fact, some of our team members can actually see the world-famous carving from their homes! Mount Rushmore turns the Black Hills into one of the most patriotic places in… Continue reading American Inventions & Marketing