My First Two Weeks at Midwest Marketing

Considering I landed a position at a marketing agency, my first day was surprisingly calm. In fact, this was the first time that I didn’t have to hit the ground running and immediately take on assignments, which was a nice change of pace! Unlike the business structures of my previous employers, Midwest Marketing was able… Continue reading My First Two Weeks at Midwest Marketing

Tips on Designing Effective Website Banner Ads

With the average person encountering up to 10,000 ads each day, it’s critical to make sure you have a well-thought out banner ad design that stands out so you don’t waste your marketing dollars. But what goes into effective website banners? The graphic design and digital marketing pros at Midwest Marketing are here to let… Continue reading Tips on Designing Effective Website Banner Ads

How Todd Became a Graphic Designer

I’ve always been pretty creative. I enjoyed drawing and had done a little painting when I was in high school. Graphic design was far from my mind as a career. I was kind of a nerd in high school and really liked math and was good at it. I had taken several accounting courses and… Continue reading How Todd Became a Graphic Designer

Why You Should Hire Midwest Marketing!

When a company is determining the most cost effective way to implement marketing, they often think that doing the marketing themselves or hiring someone internally will save them money. The truth is a great marketing company will actually save you money as well as time, energy, and resources. Here are 10 reasons why you need… Continue reading Why You Should Hire Midwest Marketing!

Why Advertising Agencies and Adult Drinks Go Hand in Hand

Sometimes you just need to unwind, and give your brain a rest to get the best out of it. Picture if you will…. sitting in a meeting at one of the top advertising agencies, trying to come up with the next best campaign, and everyone at the table sits in silence wracking their noggins trying… Continue reading Why Advertising Agencies and Adult Drinks Go Hand in Hand

Why Hire a Media Buyer?

Your friend (who is a radio rep) offers to place all your radio and print buys for your business, and the television rep you like most wants to sell you television and place your digital marketing. Sounds great. You are a business owner, not a media specialist, so their help will definitely be good, right?… Continue reading Why Hire a Media Buyer?