Death, Taxes & Advertising

Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter in 1789 that stated, “in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The quote has become a staple in everyday life and something that most people have said themselves or heard someone else say at some point in time. However, I believe that if… Continue reading Death, Taxes & Advertising

Big Brand Spotlight – Nike

When people think of those three special words, they typically come up with something like, “I love you” or “Bring me pizza.” Meanwhile the people over at Nike seem to prefer, “Just Do It.” Nike has been on top of the game for quite some time and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. Not… Continue reading Big Brand Spotlight – Nike

Branding: The Importance of Brand Standards

Brands are created to reflect the value of a company and to appeal to its customers. It is as important as the product or service you provide. You’ve spent a lot of time and money to have your brand created, now it’s time to make sure it always has the same appearance. Maintaining a consistent… Continue reading Branding: The Importance of Brand Standards

Connect your Brand with Millennial Moms

That’s right. We are all a bunch of saps. But what makes millennial moms sappier than the rest? Well pass the tissue, because millennial moms make up the greatest lifetime monetary value of any consumer segment in the history of marketing, so your brand better get it in touch with its sensitive side. The ‘Thank… Continue reading Connect your Brand with Millennial Moms

What Does Branding Actually Look Like?

As I am sipping my coffee, my favorite brands that come to mind (atm) are Starbucks and Krispy Kreme Donuts… and how each of them make me feel…. satisfied. Sorry, back to the subject at hand. The brand is not your logo or the brand name. They exist objectively; people can see it. But the… Continue reading What Does Branding Actually Look Like?