Improve Your Website’s SEO with Google Lighthouse

As you probably know, one of Midwest Marketing’s specialties is being able to optimize and improve websites so they are at their peak performance. We do that through thorough website audits, search engine optimization (SEO) tactics, and web design updates.  However, there is a way that you can find out what’s going on with your… Continue reading Improve Your Website’s SEO with Google Lighthouse

Personalize Your Email Marketing to Increase Your ROI

Email marketing is a relatively easy, inexpensive way to promote your business, but are you harnessing the full potential of an email strategy that truly speaks to your audience and maximizes ROI? Segmenting your email list may be the solution you need to make the most out of your email efforts! Segmented emails not only… Continue reading Personalize Your Email Marketing to Increase Your ROI

A Quick Guide to Advertising on YouTube

  The great smoky yonder of digital marketing for many advertisers tends to be YouTube. They notice the value, they see other’s ads on the platform, but can never seem to make the jump into doing it for themselves. In this blog we are going to try to demystify some of the facets of YouTube… Continue reading A Quick Guide to Advertising on YouTube

5 Ways to Master Google My Business

Picture this if you will, you’re sitting in front of your computer (which you might already be doing so then you don’t even have to picture it), and you Google search for Pete’s Pet Pampering Place. Along with a plethora of search results, there is a little box on the right-hand side of the page… Continue reading 5 Ways to Master Google My Business

The Power of Programmatic Ads

Programmatic ads are powerful because they automate online buying processes in real-time. It allows the media buyer to set parameters such as bid price and network and base them off of the audiences’ behavior.  It also allows the buyer to adjust the buy on the fly to achieve a more desirable return of investment. This… Continue reading The Power of Programmatic Ads