11 Videos To Inspire Your TikTok Content

With TikTok being the leading destination for short-form mobile videos, as well as having a huge userbase, it’s a great way to engage and connect with audiences and build brand awareness simultaneously. As such, it can be beneficial for many businesses, regardless of their niche, and can be used to accomplish a variety of goals… Continue reading 11 Videos To Inspire Your TikTok Content

8 Best 2023 Trends for Digital Marketing

2023 trends are something on everyone’s mind right now. The age-old question of what’s trending is something that both entices and concerns brands, so much so that hundreds of companies consolidate predictions into blogs that leave readers binging until next year. While trendiness is next to godliness in this day and age, it shouldn’t take… Continue reading 8 Best 2023 Trends for Digital Marketing

The Three Best Ad Campaigns of All Time

I was watching TV with my dad recently and a Progressive Insurance commercial came on where the always lovely Flo, speaks to a bigfoot named Daryll about his problems. As the commercial was starting my dad exclaimed, “oh, I love these ones!” How an ad is done changes the whole perception of what it truly… Continue reading The Three Best Ad Campaigns of All Time

3 Considerations of Marketing During COVID-19

A COVID-19 marketing follow-up to 8 Marketing Initiatives During COVID-19 that we previously released. If you are like most, you are probably asking yourself these and many other questions. Will advertising right now even serve a purpose? Are my customers even looking for my product right now? Is it too early to be thinking about… Continue reading 3 Considerations of Marketing During COVID-19

8 Marketing Initiatives to Consider During COVID-19

1) Right now, the digital landscape is stronger than ever. Although people may not be coming in the doors to your business as frequently as they have been, people are still shopping. Social media, especially live and video content is getting plenty of engagement. You can also use your social channels for live chats or… Continue reading 8 Marketing Initiatives to Consider During COVID-19

This Decade in Marketing – What designers can look forward to in the 2020s

The past decade has seen a paradigm shift across sectors due to the exponential rate of digital-led growth. The world today has embraced technology as an essential part of everyday activities. Data and social media will dictate marketing content. Shortened attention spans will pave the way for snippety visuals as the most successful means of… Continue reading This Decade in Marketing – What designers can look forward to in the 2020s