What Does Branding Actually Look Like?

As I am sipping my coffee, my favorite brands that come to mind (atm) are Starbucks and Krispy Kreme Donuts… and how each of them make me feel…. satisfied. Sorry, back to the subject at hand. The brand is not your logo or the brand name. They exist objectively; people can see it. But the… Continue reading What Does Branding Actually Look Like?

Why Your Business Needs a Jingle (or Not)

Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that …. You guessed it. Jingles can be more powerful than a logo. They are a strong branding tool that helps generate top of mind awareness. Tag lines can do the same thing, but adding music helps us to remember. That… Continue reading Why Your Business Needs a Jingle (or Not)